The Framework Magazine

What is Carbon Free Compute?

Carbon Free Compute means much more than limiting the energy sources that powers personal, bussnesss servers, AI, cloud computing and the internet backbone communication to renewable energy.

Even if all that computation would have run on renewable energy, producing the materials and equipments that generate that renewable energy consume vast amount of carbon-based fuels and cause enormous pollution.

Achieving carbon-free computing require optimal computing systems. The vast overhead operations that is inherent to current computing technology must be effectivly eliminated to reducing it to the absolute physically-possible minimal level. That goal is achievable with the technology we have developed. This website is dedicates to a complete new model of computation as well as new semiconductor architecture that can achieve just that. The entire concept of computation must be transformed with new theories of information and knowledge. The technologies we aim to bring to market are based on new theories of control systems, parallelism, energetic optimality and a new linguistic-based architecture of knowledge and computing.

The new technology replaces the CPU (The Turing Machine and Von-Newman based concepts) as well as Neural Networks based AI concepts with a unified linguistic silicon-engine architecture that effectively eliminates the software concept itself, replacing it with a computational language that is literally understood by the silicon engine itself.

Eliminating the CPU centrality in computers with the need to copy CPU instructions from memory to a processing unit is enabled by the replacement of the current arithmetic Turing Machine computational-function-based model of computation with a new linguistic-based model of computation and a semiconductor architecture that is inherently parallel and energetically optimal.

The similarities between the new technologies to current technologies are few but consequential. The functionality and general Programmability of CPU-based systems is preserved albeit with a speed increase by a factor of hundreds if not thousands. (Big-O of 1 is at the engine core) and a comparable level of energy consumption reduction (eliminating for example the need for Dark-Silicon and making it possible to use existing Dark-Silicon for parallelism).

General Programability is provided by more sophisticated and capable scripting languages that can empower programmers by removing the limits and complexities imposed by current operating systems and compilers. Most important, existing semiconductor design and manufacturing methods (with current PDK's) can be used to implement the new devices making the enormous investment that is being made in the semiconductor industry more consequential and sensible in relation to climate change and the growing (perhaps exponential) demand for computational power and capacity.

The Framework Magazine is the crowd funding and publishing core of the effort to announce and disseminate new knowledge theory concepts, as well as bring to market computing and semiconductor technologies that reset Moore's Law to where it was at its beginning and shift control over information and knowledge from the computing industry to the users hands.

Framework and Views "Nonware" are based on new theories of information and knoladge, and the technologies we aim to bring to market are based on new theories of control systems, parallelism, energetic optimality and language as an architecture of knoladge.

The new technology replaces the CPU and Neural Networks with a unified linguistic architecture silicon engine that effectively eliminates software by replacing it with a language that is literally understood by the silicon engine itself.

Eliminating the CPU centrality, the Neural Networking intensive statistical dependency and the need to copy CPU instructions from memory to a processing unit is enabled by the replacement of the current arithmetic Turing Machine computational-function-based model of computation with a new linguistic-based model of computation and a semiconductor architecture that is inherently parallel and energetically optimal.

The similarities between the new technologies to current technologies are few but consequential. The functionality and general Programmability of CPU based systems is preserved albeit with a speed increase by a factor of hundreds if not thousands. (Big-O of 1 is at the engine core) and a comparable level of energy consumption reduction (eliminating for example the need for Dark-Silicon and making it possible to use existing Dark-Silicon for parallelism).

General Programability is provided by more sophisticated and capable scripting languages that can empower programmers by removing the limits and complexities imposed by current operating systems and compilers. Most important, existing semiconductor design and manufacturing methods (with current PDK's) can be used to implement the new devices making the enormous investment that is being made in the semiconductor industry more consequential and sensible in relation to climate change and the growing (perhaps exponential) demand for computational power and capacity.

Language As An Architecture

Introduction To Knowledge

Knowledge Architecture

Optimality With Time And Energy

The Types Of Speeds

The advantages in eliminating the operating systems are significant:

The Views OS-Free (OSF) Firmware for Personal and Mobile Computing.

Table of contents
A. Views OS-Free Firmware Personal and Mobile Computing
B. Inquiries Contact and phone information

A. What is OS-Free (OSF) Firmware Personal and Mobile Computing? Go to Top of page
Views OS-Free Firmware Computing is a computing architecture that provides personal, mobile and business platforms residing in the ROM (Read Only Memory) BIOS chips. It provides hardware security, access and control with GUI and API capabilities beyond what current operating systems and applications can do on a PC, servers, mobile devices or other form factors.

An example of what Views OSF Firmware can do is to manage unknown files of any type and size in a document management system, making it a modular part of a mixed-type document. Views documents can contain a mix of any type of data and media. By modular we mean that the part can be modified, moved, copied, normalized, or removed without affecting other parts in the same document.

Views is designed to provide a secure ergonomic, integrated and unified WYSIWYG experience presenting the user with a container-based document system that can contain any type of data and media. Documents are transparently maintained in a modular system that treats the document's humanly recognizable parts such as sentences, as independent modules that can be shared, normalized, associated, categorized, and modified under version control without affecting other components.

Views transparently organizes documents as searchable extensions of human memory which relies on the user's own contextual and cognitive association tags for transparent indexing enabling user categorization-aware (relational) searching. Tags are embedded at user recognizable elemental level.

The documents and their parts are normalized, (as in a relational database) to form a relational real-time interactive information network with real-time (Big-O of one) transparent indexing, unlimited undo and recall, and version tracking and control.

A server web-based version of this document system makes it possible to use Views as a two way browser simplifying and lowering cost associated with current web standards. Such web-based system can also provide back compatibility server functionality with HTML DOM-based browsers to provide transparent continuity. Views can be used as a browser with current standards by providing compatibility with the DOM, HTML, CSS and JS.

Views transforms documents and data into searchable cross referenced knowledge.

Views provides familiar functionality such as word processing, spreadsheets and database management in a unified document system that can be programmed with an API and expanded into an expert system with capabilities ranging from a personal helper with automated alerts to an enterprise level business management system.

Views is its own web browser changing the current Web model into a two way symmetrical document based network and adding peer to peer web capabilities with transparent network functionality to every PC.

Views is also its own mail management system with email capabilities that apply to any user selection with an email transparent server that provides an independent store and forward email server. It cancels the dependency on external servers and makes it possible to exchange email directly with any device connected to the web.

Being firmware-based, Views Firmware sets a level of security and privacy that RAM-based operating systems and applications can never match.

The result is a vast improvement in efficiency, speed, and functionality as well as savings in energy, upgrade cost, time, memory usage and user efforts.

Who is it for?
Views OSF Firmware is for Current individual PC and server users as well as corporations that can use the product off the shelve or port their applications with our help into firmware to obtain significant savings and security improvements.

What about legacy operating system such as Windows and Linux?
Windows and Linux will be able to continue to run in a virtual mode "sandbox" under better control and with improved security.

B. Inquiries Contact and phone information Go to Top of page
email: phone: 617 782 0782